lundi 29 août 2011

newsletter from Aug 1st 2011

July, 2011
Dear Praying friends
We are now living in Longueil, in a small basement apartment, hoping to leave for Honduras in the end of October, God willing. In the meantime we do a lot of travelling!
Every Sunday, we are in a different church, except for 3 Sundays when we are at Ste-Thérèse-Boisbriand, as John was asked to help this church out in the absence of its pastor for the sum-mer.
John spent a few days in Ames en Iowa, to obtain his certification to teach, or lead, BILD cours-es in the context of the Antioch School. During that time, Lise was with Annie, helping out in a day camp in Stanstead. The following week, we both attended « Missions Institute » at Muskoka Baptist Conference (MBC). What a great week, with other missionaries and mission personnel! It was an excellent program. At the same time we were able to chat with our mission directors and personnel concerning our support situation as well as ongoing education.
The Chibougamau church continues under the leadership of Guillermo Bascuñan, backed by Christian and Danny. We are encouraged to hear of some new people who have been attend-ing.
Please pray for :
1. Our support – we have quite a challenge before us, to reach our necessary support level in order to be able to leave in the end of October.
2. Our preparation for the task of helping leaders in Central America
3. The church in Chibougamau – that the Lord might add new families
4. The church in Ste-Thérèse – praise God for new young leaders who have been joining the team
Many, many thanks for your support and prayer!
In His service

John and Lise Francis

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